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Monday, July 31, 2006

Memories of Robert Frost Poems...Monday, the Day After Sunday's Report...Here we go again...Politics as usual...

I was going to get philosophical on everybody tonight, but the day's work has left me tired and weary, "and miles to go before I sleep," so I'll keep it short. The problem for me started yesterday when I ran across an article in the Sunday edition of The Monitor and read a report entitled "Building security: RMA complete; board plans funding for development". You can read the article at www.themonitor.com, but to sum it all up there are six board members headed by a chairman who are "charged with planning the infrastructure and transportation system for Hidalgo County." The chairman, Dennis Burleson was appointed in 2005 by Republican Governor Rick Perry. Who are the remaining six members and who appointed them to the Regional Mobility Authority?
Well, I'm glad you asked because I took a close look at the list, and here it is courtesy of The Monitor:
Joe Olivarez-appointed by Pct. 1 County Commissioner Sylvia Handy
Ricardo Perez-appointed by Pct. 4 County Commissioner Oscar Garza
Ruben Plata-appointed by Pct. 3 County Commissioner Joe Flores
Ramiro E. Salazar-appointed by the City of McAllen commissioners
Ruben Serna-appointed by Pct. 2 County Commissioner Hector "Tito" Palacios
Bobby Villarreal-appointed by County Judge Ramon Garcia
The report did not state why these individuals were chosen specifically in regards to experience or qualifications, so if anybody out there has any clue why, drop me a line via the comment section.
Here's the thing. Last week, the Democratic blogosphere in the Rio Grande Valley was taken aback at the news that several mayors from the Valley were publicly endorsing Republican Governor Rick Perry's re-election campaign. I don't agree with these types of endorsements because I believe it lends itself to a lot of ethical questions, but to my knowledge there's nothing in the books about not doing it, so we'll have to swallow this one. Basically I was left with questioning why? Why in a Democratic stronghold that is the Rio Grande Valley would our elected offiicals do such a thing? Why, when we need improvements to all our roads would a board be brought together to discuss the financial scope of our infrastructures and "visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads" while peering into the economic crystal ball?
The thing I won't swallow, though, is the fact that when I posted about these public endorsements, I said there was probably a reason behind it. And sooner or later we'd find out. Well...that didn't take long did it?
If you take a look at the list, you may notice that the people appointed to the board represent cities and towns whose very mayors were among the endorsers. Mayors from the Delta area, the mayor of McAllen, the mayor of Pharr, the mayor of Mission.
"But come on, Hector," you might say, "if we want results, we have to go with the elected official that gets us those results." Quick sidenote, according to various media reports this afternoon, Perry leads public support with 40% of Texans willing to vote for him, Dems it's time to get moving-these elections don't win themselves, but I digress.
I understand where you're coming from if you were to tell me something like that. What bothers me, is that we have an elected official who has made his promises for our support, (Valley and other parts of Texas) but yet our electric bills are through the roof, our schools are in need of new facilities, teachers need a competitive pay raise, and the toll road issue will just be rerouted to another part of the Valley affecting citizens who've got enough problems with their communities.
Is this is the type of representation we're getting for our votes? Well, it's the same type of government we've grown accustomed to then. Elected officials who want to butter up a Governor who has done little for the Valley, if anything (By the way, the offer still stands for anybody to write me in regards to anything Gov. Perry has done for our Valley. Send it via the comment section or email me at gomezrgv@yahoo.com) Big roads mean big money. Remember that the next time a politician claims they're doing what's best for the community as a whole.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hail to The Chief...President to visit Anzaldua's Park next week..

There is a sense of nostalgia that comes over a person when someone mentions Anzaldua's Park in Mission, Texas. In my life, Anzaldua's Park was the upper Valley's answer to the mid-Valley's Delta Lake. Most of my memories seem to revolve around spending a few Easter Sunday's at the park. The cracking of multi-colored egg shells on everyone's cousin, sister, brother, aunt, unlce, or grandmother. The smell of South Texas' barbecue staple beef fajitas sizzling on the grill beneath the shade of an old mesquite tree. Ah, memories...but on to the business of business.
According to various media reports, Anzaldua's Park will be visited by the President of the United States George W. Bush. His mission, according to the report out of today's issue of The Monitor, is to "discuss his five-point immigration plan unveiled in a primetime address on May 15." The plan included sending six thousand National Guard troops to the U.S./Mexico border to aid the Border Patrol in their tasks of keeping our nation's only border, because the one between U.S. and Canada apparently doesn't exist in the minds of Congressional Republicans, safe from terrorists.
More on his visit next week.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Update to last night's post...The List

Mack Harrison over at Valley in Exile has got the complete list of Rio Grande Valley mayors who are taking a stand for issues Valley citizens want addressed by endorsing a candidate who....wait a minute....oh, right. Jesus, so much for hoping it was all a bad dream, they're endorsing the current REPUBLICAN Governor Rick Perry for re-election. You know, the Governor who up until now has meagerly addressed the issues of rising electricity rates, but fully endorses the need for toll roads. The one who called for a special session on school finance reform which did little to address the real needs of educators in the Rio Grande Valley.
You know the one, I thought the mayors of our part of the state knew as well.
Check out Mack's list, until next time, if anybody out there feels the need to explain why the Valley should re-elect Rick Perry, the comment section is open.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Valley Mayors make their endorsements...Who's tide is changing?...and why?

Sometimes you run across a bit of information you wish you hadn't discovered. Word from the blogosphere courtesy of Rio Grande Valley Politics, and Valley in Exile today that mayors from several Valley cities are endorsing Republican Governor Rick Perry.
Here's the list: Brownsville, Harlingen, La Villa, Edcouch, Elsa, Rio Grande City, Palmhurst, McAllen, and Mission.
A few questions come to mind when I see the list.
First, why would any official who is elected to public office that assumably represents the opinions and voice of the community, publicly endorse a candidate? (This one's a no-brainer for those of you who actually take an interest in the political environment of our region, but more on that in a later post).
Second, is it just the view of RGV Politics, or are the cities represented in the list above in very close proximity to each other? (Again, a no-brainer for those of you who understand the implications and forethought into endorsing a candidate for Governor, Democrat/Republican/or Kinky).
Third, are the mayors from the cities listed above, cities which historically stand for Democratic principles, and ideals, assuming that a Democratic candidate doesn't stand a chance against the Republican incumbent? A governor who has up to date paid lip service to the problems that affect Valley residents, i.e. rising electricity rates, school finance, toll roads, etc.? (Alright, a tad presumptious, but not without warrant. Last I heard, the Republican party in general has done little for the Valley except show up during election years to push their agendas and hope that we can trust them enough to at the very least show up at the polls and vote them in. After that, well, what can we do about it then, eh?)
Of the list, three of the Valley's major cities are being represented by mayors who for one reason or another are jumping on the Republican bandwagon. Reasons which will sooner or later become clear to their constituents. But how soon? And if not soon enough, how reasonable is later?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New Web Site Information from the Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP)

RGV Politics has just received an email from the Center for Public Policy Priorities, or CPPP. It states, "Working with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, CPPP is now maintaining a new online database for assessing how children in Texas and your county are faring." One of the most recent articles on the web page deals with the rise of children living in poverty. For more information you can log on to www.cppp.org/kidscount

Xicano Power has a few words about our health care system...The Phoenix Rises

Xicano Power at Para Justicia Y Libertad has a good post on the state of health care in our country. I know some of us have had similar experiences with our loved ones, young and elderly alike. Glad to hear your grandmother is doing better, XP. You can read the post at Para Justicia Y Libertad by clicking on the web site on my link list.

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