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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Slow News on my blog....Not a chance...Response to a recent comment

"I recognize when power moves."-Richard J. Daley. A recent comment to a post I wrote concerning Omar Guerrero's troubles, and Laura Hinojosa's smiling ads, warranted me to actually write this post. In all honesty, I was responding on the comments page but realised it was taking up too much space in there. If I have a quick answer, then I'll post it on the comments page of the post. Otherwise, here we go. The comment states that District Clerk candidate Laura Hinojosa is smiling "because she thinks she's getting a free ride. But don't underestimate Mr. Guerrero." Well, to be honest with you, if someone asked me six months ago if I felt that Omar Guerrero could win the District Clerk seat again, you would have received a resounding YES. His pledge to clean up the office if he took over, seemed to work. It pissed off a lot of people, and Omar Guerrero wasn't exactly everyone's favorite person in the Powerhouses around the county, but whatever he was doing seemed to work. Of course, he apparently didn't show up for work half the time, but the reality that his office was removing a lot of the corruption that was going on behind closed doors, well, no one can take that away from him. The problem I have with believing he can win in March is this. Omar Guerrero has basically shot himself in the foot. Not once, but twice. His DWI case is set for trial sometime in April or May, and most recently there was another case brought against him by First National Bank which cost him quite a bit of cash. But I've stated that before, and I only use it to reiterate my first claim. Laura Hinojosa is a shoe-in, she knows it, her camp knows it, and any voter that's been following the Omar Guerrero saga knows it too. His private life has provided quite a bit of ammunition for the Hinojosa camp, and mark my words they will use it. It's only a matter of time before they do, and any politician running for anything would be a fool not to use it to drive their own points home. For Good. When you have the influence of a VIP like Dr. Miguel Navarez as your campaign treasurer, you bet you're bottom dollar they're going to do what it takes to win, and with power like that it's not going to take much. Which is Omar Guerrero's problem. He hasn't taken the time to let the voting public know what's going on with him. And as long as he keeps relying on TV spots, and newspaper ads alone, he's in for a long February. Save that if as an elected official, you've pretty much kept your hide clean these past few years, but if something goes wrong somewhere down the line, a candidate cannot find comfort in just sweeping it under the rug, especially against an opponent like Hinojosa. I'm not trying to 'rag' on him, and in all honesty, he can make this a close race again, but he's got to take the bull by the horns, as we here in Texas are so fond of saying. He's got to let the people in Hidalgo County know what the hell he's been thinking lately. Against an opponent like Hinojosa, and the trouble he's been in so far, relying on his name alone isn't going to put a dent in the voters attitude towards him. He's become what he so wanted to change when he first ran for District Clerk, and WON. Just another politician with something to hide. Sorry, but it's become evident to me that the voters in the RGV aren't going to stand for this type of thing anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post! Omar had plently of ammunition but could not use it because of his own problems. I like Laura but we are not given many choices here.

My concern with Laura is that her father is the congressman. He is a bit of a tyrannt/control freak. I will give her the benefit though. Like her father she is working with some of the dirtier people of the county in order to get elected.

I'll vote for her anyway but I wish I had another choice. Her buddy JD is going to lose. His tv ads suck.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Hector said...

and isn't that the problem voters are always faced with, lack of reliable opponents? Another problem facing voters, and I've addressed this in another comment post, is the "sins of the father" syndrome. Can we as voters in affect, trust a son or daughter running for office when their political parents are accused of not shooting it straight with us? I trust you know what I mean by shooting it straight with us, but it's definitely a problem I see from commentators across the web. As far as J.D. Salinas, whoa, he came out of the gate full speed there, didn't he? My votes with Garcia. Salinas is making a lot of accusations, but when I watch his ads, I'm left with a "is that all you've got?" attitude towards him. His ads are full of accusations, and not much in the way of responsible alternatives. If you've got any info. regarding Hinojosa's race, by all means please let me know, and thanks for your comment. H.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Hector regarding JD's commercials. His commercials do not flow. He's just spews forth a lot of words.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you see the JD commercial like I do. I am really disappointed in what I see in this guy. How does a district clerk loan himself $400,000.00? I suspect he is not being honest about some of his backers who are giving him money under the table.

And his commercial is so dishonest. Ramon donates his pay to charity but JD says he voted himself a payraise.

And he has the best attendance of the commissioners court. But he attacks him anyway. I really expect he will be negative and dirty in the future.

If he does so I like others won't be voting for him, ever.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omar Guerrero is going to drag Ramon Garcia and Eric Cardenas Jarvis down with him. I can't believe these seasoned politicos, especially Ramon, would allign themselves publicly with Omar. Billy Leo has been passing around a ballot pushing for these three. I guarantee you they'd get more votes if they publicly denounce Omar and his religion - Santeria. They'd get a lot of mileage out of that. All they have to say is they support periodic drug tests for all elected officials. As long as they're with Omar, they don't have my vote.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree on the part that we should have another choice between Omar and Laura. As far as the comment on the congressman. I don't think we need to worry about him. It is her husband (Quintanilla) that we need to worry about.

Nonetheless, JD's commercials suck.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the best blog yet! I finally find some people that I can actually agree with!

I agree with everyone else. I, too, am with Ramon. JD's shady money is a motive. Another blog says that he gets that from David Gonzalez who is the biggest pusher in the Delta Area.

But either way, his commercials suck, and he's not really the best looking guy out there to be focusing that close on the camera.

As for District Clerk, I'll take Omar.

WAIT! Don't jump on me yet. Here's why.....

I do have another choice. It's Robert Mendoza, but sadly, he's underfunded, and won't make much of a difference in this race.

I just don't like the idea of Laura thinking that she's be able to slide into this position. First she thought she'd be able to buy the position. The fact is that this lady is just "passing" through. She's just getting groomed for her dad's position. You can tell by her not being able to hold the same job for more than a few years. Plus now she did join what I too consider an evil group.

I don't agree with what happened to Omar. But I do believe in second chances. He still has a lot of support, and by all means, is the only one capable of stopping Laura. Besides, we can get rid of him later.

And as for Ramon, Eric, and Billy still supporting Omar. Some of these guys were with Omar the first time he ran, and I'm glad to see that they are men of their word. You don't see that anymore.

I would not want someone deserting me when I'm down.

So as hard as it is for me to say this. Although we don't want him, we need him.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Hector said...

thanks for the compliment and vote of confidence. I appreciate everyone's feedback and only hope to keep RGV Politics as informative as possible.

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there's one thing I can say, at least Omar is honest. He's told us that he practices santeria. He's not afraid to be honest. I have to believe him when he says that he was on some sort of medication and that the gestapo McAllen PD stole his $6,800.00. I also believe that the people running the courthouse set him up for a fall when he didn't show up for his court hearing the other day. You have to ask yourself, how convenient was it for Channel 5 to be there? Remember Clinton, Monica and the sex. The people forgave him, even Hillary forgave him. GIVE EM HELL OMAR, YOU'RE THE MAN!!!! TU PUEDES BRO.

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:55 PM  

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