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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jessica Reyes-Martinez...Back on the ballot at High Noon tomorrow...

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go 'round and 'round...I really love to watch them roll. John Lennon sang those lyrics some thirty years ago, and every time I hear those words, I can't help but smile. I'm not sure he ever really said what he meant by those words, but it's all relative anyway, and any great song from "November Rain" to "Mr. Tambourine Man" should be. It's what makes them memorable. It's what makes them classics. It's what makes you hear them ringing in your ear on a random morning with no stereo or television on. It's engrained in your psyche, and it will stay there until the day you die. As Hunter Thompson would write, "for good, or ill". In my psyche, John Lennon's song reminds me of politics, politicians, policy, and corruption. Lately, it's reminding me of the state of local politics, especially regarding the race for House District 39, and Jessica Reyes-Martinez battle with the local Democratic Chair Juan Maldonado. According to reports out of NewsChannel 5 this evening, Democratic Chairman Juan Maldonado has commented that he's always felt there was something wrong with Jessica Reyes-Martinez' disqualification early last month. Yeah, we all did at the time, didn't we. But if memory serves me right there was a lot of "we" back then that didn't seem to include the Democratic Chair. His attitude seemed to be the same ol' that's just the way it is routine. He goes on to say that he is giving Reyes-Martinez until noon tomorrow to re-submit her application because the ballots need to be reprinted with her name on it. Of course, that's standing policy in the RGV, the sorry for the goof up, but make up your mind already, we don't have all day policy. Jessica Reyes-Martinez is quoted as saying that she will meet his deadline tomorrow with her application. Good for her. Hell, good for all of us.


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