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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mid-Week Link Dump...A Lot Going on in the blogosphere...

If you've got some spare time, take a look at the following links:
Vince over at Capitol Annex has an excellent post on the gov' not considering electricity rate relief, and asks the question that weighs a lot on most of our minds, why does it take the Texas Legislature so long to consider one issue? Read it at http://capitolannex.com/
Couldbetrue over at South Texas Chisme has a good read about the electricity rate relief bill that Senator Hinojosa, and others, are asking the gov' to put on the agenda this special session. Read it at http://stxc.blogspot.com/
Finally, if you're not a big fan of columnist Michelle Malkin, and I know I'm not, XicanoPwr has an excellent post on "The Lunacy of Michelle Malkin". Read it at http://xicanopwr.blogspot.com/
If you have any trouble accessing the links on this post, just go to the links on my sidebar, click on them, and you're there. Enjoy.


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