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Monday, March 06, 2006

The Eve of Election Day 2006...When that last lever's pulled...who among them will be in charge of us?

"Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still. Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still. Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still"-Johnny Cash, Man Comes Around. According to the Hidalgo County Elections Department, estimated totals for early voter turnout rests at 32,634. These are combined totals for both Democratic and Republican Primary votes. I was not among these thousands who took advantage of early voting. I will be casting my vote first thing tomorrow morning. By now, most of us have pretty much made up our minds as to who we're going to vote for tomorrow. I think I've made it pretty clear as to who I will be voting for given the amount of time I've given to issues like negative campaign ads, and mudslinging. The rest of the candidates are, for the most part, no-brainers. Laura Hinojosa is sure to take the District Clerk's seat, and I think most of us would agree, she pretty much had it, the moment she announced her candidacy. As a personal opinion, I think Ricardo Rodriguez will win the 92nd District Judge race. Eric Cardenas-Jarvis just didn't impress me enough, and the fact that he would use Rodriguez' inability to pass the bar as a campaign issue really turned me off. The County Clerk position is one of those that depends on what part of Hidalgo County you're from. In any case, I think there'll be enough votes cast to send Guajardo Jr. and Morales into a run-off election. Now the big question on a lot of our minds is the race for Hidalgo County Judge. El mero-mero. Salinas turned me off the moment he began his campaign ads accusing Ramon Garcia of being a sub-par county judge, especially when the issue of indigent health care funds was involved. I did my homework, and for those of you new to RGV Politics, just take a look at some of the archives. February was filled with fact digging, and I pretty much made up my mind when I found out most of the snippets the campaign ads boistered were misleading. But I digress, and if you're interested, just take a moment to read the February posts, you'll see what I came up with. So my prediction goes to Garcia. I'm sure I'm not the only one that got turned off by Salinas' campaign strategy. So, if you didn't take advantage of early voting, be sure to vote tomorrow. It's your duty, and responsibility to do so, if not for yourselves, do it for your children. After all, the people we elect tomorrow will be in charge of our lives for the next four years, and if the wrong people get elected, it won't do us much good to whine and complain about it. We got them there in the first place.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you on your choices and your reasons. On the county judge's race I can't believe any good business man would fall for this guy J.D. He appears to be a throw back to the old patron days here in the Valley. The guy is nothing but a whore to a small group of people who want to make money on inside deals. And what got in this guys mind to think we would be impressed with endorsements like Sylvia Handy's. The story I'm hearing is that the other candidates in the slate are fed up with with his dictatorial attitude. Good bye to another political embarressment for the county.

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about The Commissoner Races?

District Atty?

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ramon ain't no sweat pea, but he did put on a very distinguished public face and ran a statemen like campaign worthy of an incumbent. He stayed on the path and this will pay off for him.

Status quo on the Commissioner's and DA race. (Unfortunatley, Alma was good!)

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so would you say it's safe to say that even if Ramon wins, he's still almost powerless since the other commissioners supported JD? Everyone pretty much knows who controls commissioners court anyway.

from what it seems the "Ramon Slate of Candidates" aren't faring too well. Ramon is the only one who people think has a legitamate shot at winning, and its extremely close at that.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a person in the know, Laura has worked her ass off! An in depth analaysis of her race would show you that her opponent was not really Omar but Ramon Garcia & Billy Leo. She confronted unexpected obstacles every step of the way. Laura is so wanting to do this on her own that she sought very little, if any, help from her father. You really have to give her more credit. As of this writing the results aren't in, but you're going to be surprised by the number of votes Ramon and Billy got for Omar. I pray Laura wins!

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its looks like we have lost the county . So what can we expect of our tax money to bring? Hey i understand that JD was going to give a raise to everyone in the county for their vote @ our expense. Is that what it takes to win?

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say this, the people of Hidalgo County will think of Ramon when their taxes are being raised. I agree with Joe about JD being a patron, but in this case he is the puppet and the FNB, 4 county commissioners will be pulling his string. I, too would like to know how our full time county judge is going to pay off his loans. In the end, in exchange for county money being deposited at FNB, those loans will be written off.

1:28 AM  

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