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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

San Juan Politics...Same ol', same ol'...I thought we put this behind us...

It seems like San Juan politics just can't let go of the way things used to be run. So from the more things change, the more they stay the same files, here's one for the books. According to a report out of today's edition of The Monitor, San Juan City Commissioners Bobby Rodriguez and Pedro Contreras met last week with a Monitor reporter to make a presentation on proposed land development in south San Juan. Other people in attendance, according to the report, were Greg Ayala, Director of the San Juan Economic Development Corporation, and Charles Schuster, President of the San Juan Plantation Association. Wow, so many chiefs, not enough indians, huh?
But anyway, the report states that San Juan's mayor, San Juanita Sanchez openly criticized Commissioner Rodriguez for not informing the mayor, the mayor pro-tem Eddie Rodriguez, and Commissioner Claudia Gonzalez of last weeks meeting. Commissioner Bobby Rodriguez is quoted in the report as stating that he'd forgotten, and "if there was some confusion I was responsible. I will try to improve on my communication skills, as I have asked the mayor to do so." Gee, you think? How many years must a someone walk before one can no longer use the excuse of forgetfulness.
Now, to Commissioner Rodriguez's credit, I have attended city meetings before, and in those meetings, well...you can't accuse the mayor of playing nice with the Commissioner. But, first off my opinion's subjective to say the least. After all, we can't go around judging people's attitudes simply by what we see at first glance. Secondly, the mayor isn't calling meetings out of quorom to discuss development projects for the city. That's the way things USED to get done. I thought there was a new way of getting things done. A better way. One that would benefit the community as a whole. Last time I checked, I was not informed of any meeting by the commissioners and the San Juan EDC. Of course, I was also not informed that the City Commission meetings would be held on Monday instead of Tuesday. So who's to blame. Jesus, we could go around in circles playing he said/she said can't we?
But damn it, we have better things to argue about. The city needs to move forward in a more positive light, and if all we're going to do for the next few years is wait for one faction to completely vote out the next while playing these childish games, we're better off starting from scratch with a whole other group.
Word to the wise, if anybody wants to make due on moving the city forward regardless of what "faction" one belongs to, they better start by getting the community more involved. Period.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the commisioners meet (Contreras, Rodriquez) behind closed doors, wouldn't they be breaking charter?

I would think it would be worth looking into.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg Ayala should get written up for not advising the whole commission. Regardless, what side he is on. By the way, What side is he on? IF the EDC does not shape up and work together things will not move forward that is a no brainier. S.J. will follow the same path as the PEDC. Ex: Directors suing the city, Directors accused of sexual harassment, members not getting along. Pharr had the perfect opportunity to grow and because the PEDC could not work together they fell behind. S.J. needs to study its history. The Pharr industrial Park was formed way before Sharyland Plantation. I use this as an example because the new project in S.J. uses it. Look at the Industrial Park at Sharyland, you have several top employers that are there. Pharr just let that slip out of their hands. I would hate for that to happen to S.J.

As to the citizens to get involved. It is this simple, the biggest employer in PSJA is the school district, citizens are afraid of retaliation.

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with you,it seems it is the same ol. But it is the good old boys trying to do the same thing. Trying to manage city affairs behind closed doors and not the mayor . The elected leaders of San Juan need to educate the constituents on what is going on within our city.

This way they have a better idea on which slate wants to do what. And come election time they will be encouraged and go out and VOTE.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know a little more about Greg Ayala. Is he an honest guy who wants the best for who he is working for or just out to make a quick buck?

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Hope Pharr, Tx can annex the land for them. San Juan sad to say is only attracting businesses such as "taquerias and llanterias, Maybe pharr can have better use for the land. You all should stop complaining and start getting people out to vote. Get off your asses and stop "blogging". PS. Please connect all the colonias with sewer, instead of fighting for land you cannot support.

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whine, Whine, Thats all u ever do. I hope the administration changes here in San Juan. No big difference, Our mayor is still doing the same ol' same ol'. Hiring her buddies and what not. Lets just keep our "compadres running the city, we were better off with them anyways. PS what about all the library employees, whos looking out for them, not our mayor.

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems all we ever do is talk about Pharr. Lets not forget they are an All America City, a title that "Our friendly city" San Juan, will never have. Yeah they might play hard politics over to the east, but they get the job done, unlike us. They actually attract "businesses and Investors. PS cant wait till they build my new house in The All America City of Pharr.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, Mr. Hector Gomez never seen ur name on the ballot. shows how much u care.

9:45 PM  

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