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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Barbara Ann Radnofsky...Democratic Nominee to visit Valley this week...back to the drawing board for one blogger...

"What bothered me then, and still bothers me now, is that she (Radnofsky) won by the slimmest of margins. This in turn worries me. Hidalgo-Radnofsky 9,418 (Gene) Kelly 8,565 difference of 853 votes. Cameron-Radnofsky 3,212 Kelly 2,478 difference of 734 votes. That's slim pickin's for an area of the state that although is historically Democrat, also has a history of voting on name recognition alone. That's the worrisome part, Seth....if (Gene) Kelly could pull 11,043 votes from people who don't know him from Adam, I'm worried (Kay Bailey) Hutchison may do the same. I believe in her (Radnofsky), and what she can accomplish. If I didn't, I wouldn't have voted for her, and the issue of whether she could win the RGV in November wouldn't even cross my mind." Exerpt from an email to Seth Davidson, Campaign Manager for Barbara Ann Radnofsky for U.S. Senate, 4/19/2006.
That was two months ago following the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate Run-Off. Barbara Ann Radnofsky, in my mind won by the slimmest of margins in the Rio Grande Valley. (See "Too close for comfort" post, April 2006) The general feel two months later really hasn't changed much. If you asked the average voter on the street, they may not even know there is a general election in November in the first place. After the primaries, things are relatively back to normal. Even I got back into the normal swing of things, although Seth Davidson invited me to spread the message around the Valley as far as who and what Barbara Ann Radnofsky stands for. "Sign me up," I told him, as I immediately made plans to give the Valley heavy, heavy doses on information regarding Radnofsky.
What ended up happening was local politics became a hotbed for change. Especially in the case of extreme local politics from my own point of view in San Juan, Texas. Here the main focus of the year seems to be out with the old, in with the new.
So I got a little sidetracked from writing letters to the editors of different publications around the Valley. You see my writing is usually well thought out, at least by my standards, albeit seemingly hurried some times, but nevertheless, I'm not some three hundred pound gorilla randomly striking the letters on my keyboard. Then hoping against hope that people will make sense of it all.
I sincerely believe in getting the word out about Barbara Ann Radnofsky.
So I recently emailed Seth again, apologized for any delay I've personally made in doing my part to get the word out, and what my plans were for jumping on board again. The good news is Barbara Ann Radnofsky will be visiting South Texas this week at different functions, and fundraisers, and for the Valley's sake, that's good. Especially at the midpoint of her campaign for U.S. Senate against Kay Bailey Hutchison. The great news will have to hold off a little longer as I'm hoping certain events will come through for us. Until then, look to RGV Politics to be posting more on the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate, Barbara Ann Radnofsky.
Click on Radnofsky's web page link on my sidebar for more detailed information regarding the candidate....(to be continued)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think the problem with Statewide Democrats these days is that they assume that the "Valley" is going to be a shoe in for votes. As the RGV becomes more of a diverse place, and people move there from other parts of the country, I think Democrats are going to work hard to earn those votes, PERIOD!

I could go on and on..but I have to work!

Have a great day!


8:30 AM  
Blogger Hector said...

I agree. The Valley's been dealt the waiting game card for a long time now. Sure, every once and a while we get a high profile candidate or elected official grace the pages of the newspapers, or the screens of our television sets. But how much time is actually spent trying to convince the Valley of honest, and responsible platforms? Things are changing, though, and I'm glad there are still a couple of candidates willing to see the importance of Valley voters this year. Short-lived? Hopefully not, but I think it's a two way street. The Valley in turn needs to let these candidates know we exist and we're ready for a more responsible government.
Thanks for the comment,
have a great weekend,

9:59 AM  

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