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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Let the mudslinging begin..Local ad blasts candidate for Hidalgo County District Attorney Alma Garza.

I caught the last piece of a political campaign ad on television that accuses attorney Hector Villarreal of owing more than forty thousand in taxes. Hector Villarreal is candidate Alma Garza's husband. The ad states, "People who don't pay their taxes, should keep their hands off ours." So far, this is the first negative campaign ad I've seen in the run-off, but if history is any indication, this won't be the last one. I am curious if Alma Garza will remain on the higher path towards election day, or take the low road and go tooth and nail against this one, or any other mud slung her way.
The first punch has been thrown, does Garza walk away?, does she counter? Whatever she decides, she better do it quick. The election is less than one week away, and her slogan "It's time for a change", may not be enough to take her over the top. Negative campaign ads are tricky. It's touch and feel. Drop this one, see if the public bites. If it does, there's plenty more ammunition where that came from. Drop the next one. Does the public bite? If it does, drop the next biggest one, and so on and so forth. The biggest piece of mud, is saved for the last round, maybe it's needed, maybe it's not, but it is there, waiting for that precise moment before election day to spread through Hidalgo County like wildfire.
So much for a peaceful run-off? We shall see.


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